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Human Nature Unity

Soil, Earth and Health

Humans are the energy between heaven and earth. When human’s consciousness is high, humans can construct and protect the earth, but also can destroy the earth. Sages teach humans to live in harmony with Nature. A simple living style with organic farming can preserve a great amount of energy and resources on earth. It can make people healthier and happier in the future.

Connection to the various natures of Earth

A balanced healthy person carries the characteristics of both Heaven and Earth, Yin and Yang. Without each, a person's soul is not in balance. The Earth has the nature of carrying, holding, nurturing, and providing. These natures help people create bonds together and nurture each other to survive, and to form and maintain society.

In the olden times, when people traveled far away, it took a long time to return home. What would people take with them? It was a hand full of soil from their home town. Whenever people were missing their home, they would look at the soil and touch the soil. It reminded them where they came from, where they grew up, and it reminded them about their families and hometowns. People of olden times, were the caregivers and keepers of the earth, not the owners. Our ancestors didn’t try to take anything out of the soil or land, but tried to preserve the soils and take care of the Earth. So soil could keep nourishing their lives from generation to generations. 

As our ancestors had learned to appreciate the earth, many rituals were established to worship the Earth as spirits and the mother of all lives. They understood without the land and soil, none could live. That was how the connection between humans and the Earth grew in old times.

Nowadays, people no longer have this connection with the earth. People become the owners of the earth, and try to get as much as they can without considering the quality of the Earth or whether the soil is poor or dead. Soil has been greatly polluted with heavy doses of chemicals and fertilizers. The microbes of the soil offer less protection to the plants' roots, and generate more plant diseases and more chemical usage, a vicious cycle is created. The way of farming has been drastically changed, and food production has become unhealthy in comparison to the organic farming in the old times. Over produced unhealthy food disrupts health and brings great waste in people's lives, in the market and in the food industry.

Earth And Soil Are Medicine

Directly connecting to earth, working with soil, farming, can cultivate earth nature within people. People can become open-minded, warm-hearted, grounded, and generous. Through learning farming and harvesting, people can learn to connect to the Earth and becoming respectful to it. If people’s daily life keep to work with soil, do some farming, or gardening, people can cultivate balanced spirits within themselves.

Physically connecting to earth and soil benefit a great deal to human's health. Soil, itself, is a medicine. A few Chinese herbs are directly made from soils. The earth energy comes from billions of billions of alive microbes inside. It gives the smell of soil, which is also energy of soils. Connecting with soil can make people feeling peaceful and calm, it helps to ground free radicles inside bodies, and acts as anti-oxidant. Many regions use soils to heal human bodies, skin problems. Bathing with mud is one of example of direct healing from earth, it calms the spirit, releases anxiety and stress.

Healthy activities for the body are farming and working with the soil. Farming can help to strengthen the muscles, promote circulation, strengthen digestion, help to open up the lungs, and help the body to embrace the rhythm of nature. People can sleep deeply and free of stress.

Local Organic Food

Consuming organic food is a rising trend, as people realize food with no chemical, no fertilizer is healthier, tastes better, and most importantly, is true nutrients for our bodies.

Organic food production may not be as big as non-organic food production. This way, it teaches people to appreciate what we received from the Earth. Nowadays, we can see people throw away a great amount of food. If people pay attention, they would be surprised how much food is thrown away and being wasted. Isn’t it making us wondering if it is a good idea for people just grow organic food but not these massive production of non-organic food?

When food produced organically as much as people are able to consume or little bit more than we need, that would create an energy equilibrium with the nature. Does it help to save lots of the energy of the soil, and produce better quality of food?

It will be beautiful to plant organic vegetables and food on any part of open land near where we live or in our backyard. Local organic farming is a way for people to learn how to protect the soils and Earth. It will help to bring back the balanced ecosystem, and protect animals and plants.

Saving Resources

When we learn how to save the resources of our earth, we will start to learn how to eat better, and then we will take action to take care of our earth and its health. This is a great change and contribution from each of us.

When people start to learn the way of living healthily and simply a huge waste of Earth's resources will be reduced. Solutions will be created for people to have a harmonious way of living on earth, of appreciating farming as people used to do in olden times. This helps to create a healthy life cycle within societies. 


Additional Services


Spiritual & Emotional Healing

The process of spiritual and emotional cleansing and self-growth.

Conscious Living & Dying

The healthy transition from the physical realm to the spiritual realm.

Longevity & Preventive Care

The art of conscious living with a healthy of spirit, mind and body.

Future Children

Cultivate children's authentic human nature and living with simplicity and wisdom.

Consciousness Expansion

Spiritual practice, opening divinity within and cultivating gifted talents.